Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chuck Norris had to stop washing his clothes in the ocean. The tsunamis were killing people.

Chuck Norris’ house has no doors, only walls that he walks through.

Staring at Chuck Norris for extended periods of time without proper eye protectionwill cause blindess, and possiblyfoot sized brusies on the face.

Chuck Norris does not follow fashion trends, they follow him. But then he turns around and kicks their ass. Nobody follows Chuck Norris.

Scientists have estimated that the energy given off during the Big Bang is roughly equal to 1CNRhK (Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick)

Chuck Norris can skeletize a cow in two minutes.

When Arnold says the line "I'll be back" in the first Terminator movie it is implied that he is going to ask Chuck Norris for help.

Chuck Norris doesn't daydream. He's too busy giving other people nightmares.

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